A brief guide to Quantum Set Dollar

Quantum Set Dollar
2 min readJan 30, 2021

This is a brief guide on the mechanics and use of Quantum Set Dollar (QSD) for those who are familiar users of Empty Set Dollar (ESD) and similar ecosystems.

Epoch length: 4 hours.

Bootstrapping period: The first 72 epochs, starting on 30 January at 4pm UTC. To bond QSD during bootstrapping, please use the Bootstrapping page and not the QSD page.

Bootstrapping rewards: 5.4% of total supply, split equally between bonded QSD holders and bonded LP token holders.

Governance: no governance in place during bootstrapping. We have created a separate governance token, known as Quantum Set Governance (QSG) which can be earned when TWAP is below $1 by bonding QSD tokens. You can stage and bond QSG to earn governance rewards (paid in QSD) and bonded QSG holders can submit and vote on proposals in the DAO.

Rewards: 5.4% of total supply when TWAP is above $1, split between bonded QSD holders (63%), bonded LP token holders (27%), the QSD treasury (5%) and rewards for QSG bonders (5%).

Post-bootstrapping (from epoch 73 onwards), rewards for bonded QSD tokens will not autocompound and can be claimed one epoch after you ‘poke’ to make rewards claimable on the QSD page.

LPs can use the Single Supply function in Provide at the bottom of the LP page to sell half their rewards, add liquidity to Uniswap and bond LP tokens in one step.

When TWAP is below $1, you will earn QSG tokens that can in turn be staged and bonded on the QSG page to earn additional rewards. Note that QSD tokens can only be bonded when TWAP is below $1.

You can unbond your QSD at any time but when TWAP is above $1, you will not be able to add to the amount you have bonded. LP tokens can be bonded any time, and we encourage you to remove liquidity from Uniswap when TWAP is below $1 so you can bond your QSD and earn QSG tokens.

Lockups: no lockups, but there is a 1 epoch delay (which is a security feature that prevents exploits) between unbonding tokens and withdrawing them from Staged into your wallet.

Location of liquidity pool: You can buy QSD and provide liquidity on Uniswap here.

QSD contract address: 0x35b4EBBb9bD9d967B1EFE4ccDDCe38F22E38198c

QSG contract address: 0x9f54B1E1122AE6978A70fdE254CA95Ae6Df35459


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Quantum Set Dollar

Quantum Set Dollar (QSD) is a decentralised, experimental stablecoin.